Bavarian Field Command

The somewhat ficticious Field Command has been created to lead the Bavarian Force on the wargaming tabletop. 

The unit of 6 figures comprises a senior officer in cap, two junior officers as aides, a sergeant, a drummer and a flag bearer. While they have the red piping (yellow on cuff and collar for the musician) and shoulder wings, they have not been given a facing colour.

Some conversion work was required, with the two junior officers and the sergeant having their ‘waving’ right arms (and one face) altered for a bit of variety, while the commander was the Giants in Miniature Prussian General Bismark with a change of hat and arm to become Bavarian.

To denote Command status, the unit carries the national flag (the Weckenfahne) normally carried by the 1st Battalion of each Infantry Regiment.  The version used is a Napoleonic-era equivalent from GMB Designs, which closely matches that carried during the Franco-Prussian War:

And shown here carried by a Landwehr standard bearer in 1868:

Reference images of infantry officers, the most senior being an 
Oberstlieutenant (equivalent to to a British Lieutenant-Colonel) pictured in 1826: