Game Report 01: The Bridge

This first game was something of an experiment, with the British tasked to hold a key bridge.

The author played the Bavarians with fellow LAFer Captain Blood playing the British; rules were a variation of ‘Never Mind The Billhooks’. 

A small Bavarian force is advancing north from the South Coast, intent on taking and holding the bridge for their artillery that will in time be following up. The British objective is decidedly similar, expecting that they would want to move their own artillery south to drive (pummel) the dastardly invaders back into the sea. However, somewhat naively the British think the Bavarians to be some distance away. Should the British not be able to hold the bridge, then their secondary objective is to retire in good order, so as to hold the next bridge behind them.

It’s just after dawn, and all is quiet in the village:

Somewhat behind schedule, as a pre-dawn raid would have been better, the Bavarians make a rush for the bridge:

Alerted by sentries, the British Rifle Volunteers rouse from their overnight lodgings:

While the Bavarians advance at pace, with Infantry heading for the bridge, Skirmishers for the river-side copse, and their heavy Cavalry galloping towards the adjacent ford:

The Bavarian Infantry advance into a hail of red-coated rifle fire:

The Bavarian Infantry, rather than moving at speed onto the bridge, pause to exchange rifle fire with the British. Is this incompetence or some clever tactic? Perhaps drawing in the redcoats so that the Skirmishers and Cavalry can continue their flanking manoeuvre?

The Bavarians, somewhat weakened by rifle fire, are charged in the flank by the British Light Cavalry:

Meanwhile, the Bavarian Skirmishers and Cavalry cross the river:

Much to Bavarian surprise the British civilian part-timer Rifle Volunteers stand their ground to shoot, causing casualties to the Bavarian Cavalry and breaking the Skirmishers. Meanwhile, the Bavarian Infantry - still short of the bridge - succumb to either the British Infantry’s shooting or the British Cavalry’s sabres, and are lost. All just as the Bavarian Cuirassiers break in amongst the Rifle Volunteers to create havoc:

Without Infantry in support, the Bavarian Cavalry cannot possibly hold the bridge. With the action lost, they will now have to extricate themselves, leaving the British in possession.

A win to the British.