
‘Before & After Dorking’ (BAD) is a wargamer’s study of the German Empire’s fictitious invasion of Great Britain. Set in 1875, this hypothetical event was explored in a piece of Victorian Military Fiction, ‘The Battle of Dorking: Reminiscences of a Volunteer’, which was written by George Chesney and originally published in 1871.

As a serving British Army officer, Chesney’s story had reflected his concern with the comparative speed, superiority and adaptability of the Prussian Army as demonstrated by it in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 to 1871. He 
was not to know that by 1875 the various German states would have come together to create an even more powerful Imperial German Empire.

Much is already written about the Battle of Dorking (especially by Chesney!) and so this blog - BAD - is primarily concerned with the actions, skirmishes and battles that could have taken place both before and after it. 

As a wargamer’s study, the blog content is part historical research, part imagination and part modelling guide, all of which are geared towards gaming events on the table top.

With regard to the German Force, the author’s focus is on the Bavarian elements rather than the more usual Prussians.