Bavarian 3rd Infantry Regiment

The 3rd Infantry Regiment are veteran, steadfast line infantry.

They will be represented by 3 battalions of 12 figures each, with 2 battalions presently completed.

They wear the standard cornflower blue uniform with red piping, distinguished by scarlet collars and cuffs with yellow buttons. As regular line infantry the 1st Battalion’s figures include an officer, the regimental standard and a drummer.

The 12 figures of the 1st Battalion:

The 12 figures of the 2nd Battalion:

All of the figures are Eagles of Empire Bavarian Infantry in summer uniform. As with the other line infantry regiments, the flag is also by Eagles of Empire (albeit repainted for effect, but with the printed L corner monogram repainted as the M for Maximilian monogram). The seated lion atop the flagpole was converted from the standing lion that comes with the Perry Miniatures British Zulu War Infantry plastic set. The officer’s right arm had a pistol added.

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